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Maniba Zafar

Trainee Solicitor

"The team has a particularly strong track record of successfully handling discrimination claims."

Legal 500


Since completing her LPC in 2022, Maniba has gained legal experience in residential conveyancing as well as wills and probate. She joined Wright Hassall in September 2024, commencing her training contract, and have been having the best time since!


Outside of work, Maniba enjoys exploring new foods and (trying to) learn new languages and spending time with family and friends.

I wanted to express my thanks for the support and coordination of what has been at times a challenging case. The “style” of advocacy from the other side has not made the process any easier. It is great to see after all the hard yards, we came out with the result that we all hoped for. Thanks everyone for your support and effort during this challenging and stressful process, and thankfully a fantastic result!

A satisfied client

Meet the team

Meet the team
Charlie Bass - Employment Law Paralegal
Charlie Bass Paralegal
Adam Morris - Employment Solicitor - Wright Hassall
Adam Morris Solicitor
Mali Smith - Employment Lawyer
Mali Smith Legal Director & Mediator