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Parminder Takhar

Senior Associate

Parminder specialises in advising on contractual disputes and corporate disputes and receives excellent praise for his clear and pragmatic approach towards dispute resolution.

"City firm service, but from a regional firm – local, personable and cost-effective."

Legal 500


  • Acting for a PLC client in defending a High Court claim worth £1m in respect of the supply of construction materials and their fitness for purpose by reference to relevant Building Regulations and various British and EU standards.
  • Assisted a client pursuing a High Court claim for a breach of contract worth in excess of £1.2m in the renewable energy sector, achieving a favourable monetary settlement.
  • Assisted a client in defending a counterclaim for an alleged breach of contract valued at £1m, achieving a favourable settlement which involved the opponent paying a sum of money to the client in respect of its claim.
  • Advised a UK sporting association on their obligations in relation to the suspension of a member, where injunctive proceedings were threatened but averted.
  • Advised a breed society in threatened judicial review proceedings, successfully resulting in a decision notice being withdrawn.
  • Assisted as part of the legal team that successfully defended Judicial Review proceedings in the reported case of R (Agro Foods (Ashford) Ltd) v Food Standards Agency [2019] EWHC 2718 (Admin)
  • Acting for a retail timber door supplier in a High Court claim against its exclusive supplier, the latter who also held a beneficial interest in a minority of shares of the client. The claim involved bringing an interim injunction, which in turn successfully led to a favourable settlement via a share buyback arrangement.
  • Advising a leading B2B and B2C mobile virtual network operator in respect of its contractual obligations to two of the UK’s biggest mobile networks, including in respect of the consequences of terminating for convenience by reference to KPIs and the impact on ongoing commissions.


After gaining his law degree at the University of East Anglia, Parminder qualified in 2011 and, prior to joining Wright Hassall in 2021, worked for a Legal 500 Commercial Litigation Tier 1 ranked law firm in the East Midlands.


Outside of work he enjoys reading, football, music and spending time with his family.

The team provides specialist knowledge at a very competitive rate.

Chambers & Partners 2024

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Meet the team
Gemma Carson - Commercial Litigation Lawyer
Gemma Carson Partner
Iain Colville - IP Disputes Lawyer
Iain Colville Partner
Jenny Rhind - Commercial Litigation Lawyer
Jennifer Rhind Senior Associate