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Bras: should they be subject to VAT?

There has been much discussion in the media and on social media subsequent to calls for bras not to be subject to VAT. In this article, we will set the debate on a factual footing and consider the broader context of the subject.

Open secrets: protecting intellectual property rights in the transforming world of work

For most of our working lives we have taken the office for granted: the commute, the meetings, the squeaky chairs, the coffee machine! The seismic disruption of the pandemic, global technology advancements and the climate crisis have completely transformed our idea of the office of the future.

Sunbeds under fire

As the weather turns warmer, and we start to shed the hefty winter layers, some of us might be looking forward to perhaps catching some rays and a tan… if it ever stops raining. Giving things a boost with the use of a sunbed is tempting but consideration of the implications is vital.

Springtime – A time for change?

Looking to move house can be an exciting time. However, there are some things that you should consider before making an offer on a property.

Operating incognito: how businesses should respond to the threat of deepfakes

With the rising number of scammers optimising the use of AI, Luke Moulton, Partner reviews the recent case that has hit headlines surrounding Incognito being defrauded by an impersonation scam utilising deepfakes and provides his advice for the best ways to protect yourself and your business.

Navigating the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023

In an era marked by increasingly sophisticated financial crimes and muddy corporate structures, the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 (ECCTA 2023) is the second branch of significant legislative changes brought in to tackle abuse of UK corporate structures.

Skilled Worker Visas – how to manage extensions after the April rule changes

Stacey Lambert, Associate in our Business Immigration team, explains how transitional arrangements should be applied when extending Skilled Worker visas and sets out some useful examples.

Agricultural Buildings: Changes to Permitted Development Rights

Changes to Permitted Development Rights (PDR’s) come into force today, 21 May 2024. These changes follow a recent consultation by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities which took place between July and September 2023.

Spring clean: ensuring that moving jobs means a fresh start and a happy ending

Spring is all about new beginnings. As the weather warms up, job opportunities often blossom. But, in the excitement of taking the next step along your career path, be careful of any restrictions relating to your current employment.

Langley v Qin: Predatory marriages and the effects of marriage on Wills

Anna Sutcliffe takes a closer look at the recent case of Langley v Qin and the position the court holds with predatory marriages.