Children in care across the region will receive an egg-cellent treat in time for Easter as a leading Midlands law firm has donated over 100 Easter eggs and fluffy bunnies.
Leading Midlands law firm Wright Hassall has signed two major deals to supply legal services to the housing association sector which is on an expansion drive to meet rising demand.
A court of appeal case centred around VAT on property could act as a beacon of light to businesses providing accommodation that does not fall under a tenancy agreement, according to a leading law firm.
A leading Midlands law firm has successfully completed a $1.55 million seed fundraising round on behalf of an innovative soil regeneration company aiming to alleviate global agricultural drought.
Hannah Carey, head of the conveyancing team at Midland law firm Wright Hassall, stresses how important it is to be aware of building regulations when buying or selling a property.
2020 has been a year like no other and undoubtedly the major change in this area of law has been the amendment to the Wills Act 1837 which had been unchanged legislation for approaching 200 years.
A new book documenting the diaries of a Second World War soldier from Leamington Spa has been published, with an official launch backed by local law firm Wright Hassall.
This article clarifies where the law currently stands and highlights some factors that decision makers might consider when determining whether a holiday let is a material change of use requiring planning permission.
It is becoming more and more common for couples to live together and start a family without getting married or entering into a civil partnership. Until the law catches up in this area, cohabiting couples need to be aware of their limited legal rights.
This podcast is part of our Family Law Series in which we will be guiding you through the treatment of pensions on divorce and sharing practical information to help you understand your options and the process involved.