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Laura Steel

Laura provides commercial legal advice to businesses across a range of sectors.

Stuart Miles

Stuart specialises in contentious property matters for clients.

Jennifer Rhind

Jennifer is a solicitor in the commercial litigation department.

Gurjit Bains

Gurjit supports the commercial property team and assists on a wide range of commercial property transactions.

Claire Halle-Smith

Claire’s experience in-house coupled with many years advising on data privacy matters enables her to identify key issues facing an organisation and to provide practical, solutions-based advice.

Parminder Takhar

Parminder specialises in advising on contractual disputes and corporate disputes and receives excellent praise for his clear and pragmatic approach towards dispute resolution.

Susan Hopcraft

Susan is a disputes and professional negligence lawyer, mainly in the financial services sector.

Helen Turner-Smith

Helen specialises in non-contentious property and development matters for commercial real estate and development clients.