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John Gregory

John is a specialist planning lawyer with extensive experience of advising on all aspects of the planning and highways law.

Steve Halkett

Steve is a partner in the corporate team who specialises in transactional work.

Parminder Takhar

Parminder specialises in advising on contractual disputes and corporate disputes and receives excellent praise for his clear and pragmatic approach towards dispute resolution.

Mali Smith

Mali specialises in advising and representing both businesses and individuals on contentious and non-contentious employment law matters.

Gemma Carson

Gemma specialises in commercial litigation and has a wealth of experience in dealing with all types of commercial contract dispute.

Susan Hopcraft

Susan is a disputes and professional negligence lawyer, mainly in the financial services sector.

Tracie Udall

Tracie is a Partner in the Business Immigration team and is known to provide a practical insight into the complexities of UK immigration hand in hand with her extensive knowledge of the Immigration Rules.

Jeanette Whyman

Jeanette is head of the medical compensation team, specialising in medical negligence and personal injury claims.

Stuart Miles

Stuart specialises in contentious property matters for clients.