Early careers
It is our people, and the way that we service our clients, that set us apart.
We realise that our people are our most valuable asset and we understand that providing them with a great environment, challenging work and supported personal development is vital to our success...
Trainee recruitment
Details for 2026 recruitment will be available in due course.
Wright Hassall can offer sponsorship for the Solicitors Qualifying Exams (SQE), a structured learning/training path over 2.5 years and individual support with your development into becoming a solicitor.
As a CircleBack employer, we commit to respond to every application that we receive.
Further information about what Wright Hassall offers and the type of people we are looking for can be found on our website.
Wright Hassall values the differences and advantages that a diverse workforce brings to the firm and is committed to ensuring that all applicants are valued as individuals and treated with respect and fairness.
Lucie Byron, Trainee Partner
Work experience
As part of our ethos of working closely with the local community we are delighted to have partnered up with a number of local schools to take part in our work experience programme over the next few years.
Unfortunately, this means that we will not be offering any opportunities outside of these partnership programmes.