The impact of the exit from the EU, the economic ramifications of Covid, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine can clearly be see...
Many businesses have insurance cover designed to pay losses if they must close for a period. This is known as business i...
A MEC is the name given to the provisions of a section 106 agreement which, in the event of loan default by the RP, allo...
“Golden Brick” is a mechanism which enables a developer to complete a sale of VAT elected land to a Registered Provider ...
Most landlords serving eviction notices are doing so perfectly reasonably because a tenancy has either come to an end (S...
The ability to make and receive payments is critical to businesses and individuals. How we do this has undergone enormo...
The Act deals with how landlords and tenants of commercial premises should conduct themselves in relation to rent arrear...
A recent, substantial increase in disrepair claims being brought against landlords, particularly social landlords, such ...
Historically, ground rent was always a peppercorn, zero or nominal rent charged by freeholders (or landlords) as token c...
We all know how complicated farming partnership structures can become when family members, across different generations,...
On 8 April 2022 Chief ICC Judge Briggs handed down his judgment in the Glam and Tan Limited – in Liquidation v Mrs Danie...
After the First Tier Tribunal found in favour of the beneficiary of a Remuneration Trust (Marlborough v HMRC) in Septemb...
A recent ruling by the Upper Tribunal in Dunsby v HMRC [2021] has confirmed that efforts to avoid paying income tax by d...
Since 22 July 2020 the Finance Act has empowered HMRC to make directors personally liable for the tax debts of a company...
The Government has now published the long-awaited Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Bill which contains details of the propo...
In Howe v Gossop, a couple lost their appeal against a proprietary estoppel claim brought by their neighbours over some ...
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