Caroline Benfield and Elizabeth Taylor from our insolvency team discuss the measures to assist business trade through Co...
As if we needed proof that bad news travels faster than good, we hear more and more reports of bad message management wh...
Since 2010, successive Finance Acts have targeted EBTs used as a tax avoidance schemes, including introducing Accelerate...
Making ill-judged decisions under pressure are perhaps inevitable. Nonetheless, anyone advising Liverpool Football Club...
In an unusual step, high street clothes’ retailer New Look has told its suppliers that it will not pay any of their invo...
All businesses are now operating in uncharted waters. The government is reviewing its support for businesses on an almos...
There will undoubtedly be many directors who, increasingly concerned about the solvency of their businesses and their po...
Environmental law covers a wide spectrum of areas such as waste disposal, contaminated land, emissions and water polluti...
On 4 November 2019 the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) (UT) handed down its judgment, dismissing the appeal made by a tru...
Directors of a limited company owe a raft of statutory and fiduciary duties to act in the best interests of the company....
As the Coronavirus crisis forces businesses to adapt, reports are filtering through of a number making a series of easil...
The Government has announced extra protection for businesses by placing a moratorium on commercial landlords’ sanctions ...
Whilst most businesses are understandably husbanding every penny and looking to cut costs to survive the coronavirus cri...
Restaurants are closed for everything except take away services. Supermarkets are struggling to supply staples, but the ...
Each tech company will have their own way of managing disputes, and each individual supply contract will be probably be ...
On Wednesday 18 March, the government announced measures in an attempt to provide some reassurance for both residential ...
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