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Compliance with specification - is it enough?

It is often argued by contractors with a design responsibility that where they have complied with a prescribed specification set out in their contract, such that their design meets that specification.

Pre-Action Protocol for Debt Claims

The Ministry of Justice has published the Pre-Action Protocol for Debt Claims (the “Protocol”), which came into force on 1 October 2017.

Why mediation has failed family farm succession

There has been a move over the last ten years or so to promote the use of mediation in dealing with farm succession planning.

Forfeiture for rent arrears

We were instructed on behalf of a commercial landlord who was seeking to take back possession of its premises because the tenant was not paying rent. The tenant was in substantial arrears, but was continuing to carry on a restaurant business from the premises.

Managing disrepair claims

As a landlord, you have obligations under S11 of the Housing Act 1987 to keep your property in good repair. In particular, you are responsible for:

Purchasing property with another member of the family

It is not unusual for property to be co-owned by family members within a farming family, regardless of whether or not those members are actively involved in the farming business.

Coronavirus: financial pressures for retail, hospitality and other businesses

Commercial leases are unlikely to include provision for rent suspension in circumstances of a health epidemic and tenants will be left to try and negotiate a rent-free period or discounted rent with their landlord.

Flurry of Inheritance Act 1975 cases

There has been a flurry of Inheritance Act 1975 cases in the last few weeks, most recently the case of Re H where an adult child claimant was successful despite her being estranged from her father and having had no financial assistance from him for a number of years prior to his death, and he had left his estate to his elderly and disabled spouse.

HMRC should brace itself for challenges as Tribunal rules in favour of dentist who used remuneration trust scheme

A recent decision by the First-tier Tribunal has decided that contributions to, and subsequent loans from, a remuneration trust scheme were not ‘earnings’ or disguised remuneration.

Application for removal, due to alleged breaches of duties

My clients were two of three trustees, and the claim against them was brought by their third co-trustee, the surviving widow of the deceased.