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What is a boundary dispute?

A boundary dispute is a dispute between the owners or occupiers of at least two neighbouring properties. A boundary dispute may take many forms. Often it is simply a dispute relating to the position of a boundary.

High value dispute with a Council

We helped a technology provider to resolve a high value dispute with a Council which had outsourced its IT and related services to our client.

Practical guide for resolving a dispute

These are the headline practical things to do if you realise you have a commercial dispute brewing. We have more detailed articles available, but here are the essentials to think about early on.

Alternative dispute resolution and costs

The usual rule in litigation is that the winner takes it all, including their costs.1 The actual amount of costs awarded is subject to assessment by the Court which will consider a number of factors.

Adverse possession, a solution to a boundary dispute?

A boundary dispute typically arises between two adjacent landowners who dispute the position of the boundary between their properties.

Got a dispute? Getting litigation funding

It is natural now for businesses to be wary about bringing a claim against someone who has done them wrong. The ugly combination of cost and risk has ensured more are just chalking problems up to experience rather than fighting their corner.

Funding a Dispute

Before you can make any decision as to whether you wish to engage in resolving a dispute and/or pursue or defend litigation, you will need to understand how much the process will cost, when fees will need to be paid and the options for funding the likely costs.

The pros and cons of various methods of dispute resolution

Although legal proceedings are still the default method of resolving contract disputes, they are one of many ways of doing so. This article looks at the pros and cons of various methods of dispute resolution and the considerations for deciding which is most appropriate.

Dispute resolution: fast, flexible, fixed price

“We have a dispute. We need to resolve it quickly and flexibly. We are not really sure how”. We are going to be hearing this a lot as the country emerges from the COVID-19 shutdown.